Natural Fertility Articles

The latest science, recipes, & more

Could I be in Perimenopause?

Perimenopause Are you aged over 45 and think that you could be in perimenopause due to a combination of signs and symptoms but because your period is still regular you really don’t know? If this is you read on (if it's not you right now but you are a woman it will be...

Are you Ovulating? 4 easy ways to check

If you have a fertility initial consultation with me one of the many questions I will ask you is “Are you ovulating?” Some women immediately know the answer to this and some are unsure. Contrary to what you may have thought when you were younger and trying to prevent...

Fertility Acupuncture Protocols

When choosing a TCM practitioner for fertility acupuncture, is it better to choose one who creates an indivdualised treatment plan or one who follows fertility acupuncture protocols. This article examines which approach might provide you with better outcomes.